API documenthttps://sandbox.goorooship.com/swagger/index.html

Sandbox API endpointhttps://sandbox.goorooship.com/api


Customer ID: Menu –Customer info -> My account -> Customer ID


1. Register an account on sandbox

In order to integrate with Goorooship.ca, please register an account on the sandbox server first.

2. Authentication

In order to authenticate properly, please put Authorization: Bearer in your header. You can generate the API Access Token from following endpoint.

Endpoint: <Endpoint URL>/token/create

Header: Content-Type=application/json

Method: POST

Body: { “username” : “<GoorooShipUserName>”, “password”: “<GoorooShipPassword>” }

Response: string

3. Develop and test

4. Switch to production:

After finish testing on sandbox, please contact our team on how to switch to production server.

Email: support@goorooship.ca

Replace the customer ID and API endpoint with production account

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